Welcome to Wooglemai EEC

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Wooglemai Environmental Education Centre is one of 24 Department of Education (DoE) Environmental and Zoo Education Centres (EZECs) in NSW. Our centre operates to support the implementation of the NSW DoE Environmental Education Policy for Schools.

We offer a range of services to schools:

  • Centre based programs (offered as single days or residential programs over two or three days)
  • Providing quality curriculum-based environmental education and sustainability programs linked to the new NSW Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Our programs support classroom based learning with practical "hands on" activities (go bushwalking, birdwatching or dip netting, handle a snake, catch a minibeast, make a boomerang).
  • Offering challenging outdoor recreational programs (try our high ropes, archery or kayaking)
  • Conducting peer support and transition to high school programs (challenge yourself with our initiative games).
  • Off Site "In school" single day programs.
  • Working with school based environmental groups (carry out an environmental audit).
  • Participation in special school-based events (e.g. World Environment Day, NAIDOC day).

See our Centre Programs for more details.

Schools wishing to arrange a visit to the Centre during school terms may contact us at any time by phone or via email to request a booking (Contact Us).

Any person wishing to hire the site on weekends or public holidays please contact Angelo Lisi – Guntawang Booking Officer 0490256240 bookings@guntawang.org.au.